Wedding Venues

Traditional Wedding Venues
Traditional Wedding Venues in Goa are best suited for a gathering of 300 and more and are suitable for traditional Goan weddings. These venues are built with band stage, dance floor, space for buffet lay out etc. These venues provide power back ups, limited chairs and tables, standard lighting of the venue and a bar.

Out Door Beach Venues
Beautiful beach side venues are perfect locations for dream weddings. These venues are suitable for small and medium size gathering. Different themes can be implemented on these venues to project an exquisite set up for your wedding. These venues are extremely cost effective and flexible enough to encompass brilliant themes.Permission from the Govt. is required to organize these sort of weddings on the beach. Your Planner can take care of this issue for you.
Out Door Beach Venues
Beautiful beach side venues are perfect locations for dream weddings. These venues are suitable for small and medium size gathering. Different themes can be implemented on these venues to project an exquisite set up for your wedding. These venues are extremely cost effective and flexible enough to encompass brilliant themes.Permission from the Govt. is required to organize these sort of weddings on the beach. Your Planner can take care of this issue for you.

Beautiful Garden Venues
If you desire to have a posh and formal wedding, then garden venues are best for you. Different shades and lights on these venues can project an atmosphere of a fairy land. These venues generally belong to star hotels and as such are a bit expensive. Food and drinks are taken care of by the professionals and the hotel makes sure to provide a higher standard of service. Big price can be compensated with the quality of service offered by these hotels.

Indoor Wedding Venues
These wedding venues are a bit expensive. They generally go with a very mild set up. Beautiful tables and chairs set up for the guests and exquisite bridal seating arrangements are its major attraction. Indoor Venues are managed by professionals and are always add up to your status.
Indoor Wedding Venues
These wedding venues are a bit expensive. They generally go with a very mild set up. Beautiful tables and chairs set up for the guests and exquisite bridal seating arrangements are its major attraction. Indoor Venues are managed by professionals and are always add up to your status.